Nestled in Copper Canyon in the Sierra Madre Mountains lives a group of people called the Tarahumara Indians. There are many villages scattered through the mountains through Mexico and up through Arizona. This group is known as being some of the best runners in the world. Our group took the journey to the villages in February. Visiting one to two villages a day. Our bodies and vehicles got battered, bruised and abused. Every mile was worth it. We traveled two days to reach the first villages. Many missionaries do not go because of this reason. The remoteness of the villages and difficulty getting to them.    As many as 75-85 percent of the men suffer with alcoholism, this alone leaves a desperate situation. Leaving the women and children at great risk for trafficking and abuse. Many of the villages have not heard the Gospel at all. Our mission was to share the love of Christ, education, and needed resources. We partnered with local pastors to carry out the mission. Each village our team would go in and set up. Hold Gospel services, children’s programs, cook and eat with the village as well as hand out food dispenses. There are also programs going on in these villages to educate on human trafficking. Human trafficking is a large problem in Mexico and the Tarahumara people are not exempt. There are churches being planted in these villages and pastors heading the call to this people group. Pray with us that the seeds of the Gospel begin to be watered and flourish. Going into the villages with no church as opposed to the ones with a church already established was a huge difference. The atmosphere was completely different where there was a church established.  Â
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