Taking the Love of Christ to Human Trafficking Victims
In February we traveled to Mexico with Global Infusion for a mission trip. Our lives were forever changed. The faces and stories of the people forever imprinted on our hearts. working with women and children who have been abused has always been part of our ministry. however, the level of desperation we saw and experienced in this are in Mexico was unlike anything we could have imagined. we have seen suffering around the world and have worked with human trafficking victims for years. this was on another level. there seemed to be no earthly justice for the victims. that it was woven into almost every part of society.one victim we ministered to in Juarez asked us to tell the public this. ” We are not a free people. the women of Juárez are not free. I have tried many times to escape. I’m always caught and brought back to my captures. the police do not help us. we are not free” her words ripped through my heart. the look of hopelessness on her face I knew I would never forget. that night as free food, free manicures, worship, and the gospel went forth on the streets of one of the most dangerous cities in the world. we saw the love of Jesus in action. light shining in the darkness. we knew we had found our home women and children are at high risk in Mexico for trafficking and all kinds of abuse. the lack of recourses and lack of the Gospel of peace makes for a dangerous situation. Proverbs 31:8,9 speak up for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice. pray for the ministries across Mexico that are working daily to address this situation. pray for us as we are taking a long-term assignment to work in Mexico. We feel the lord drawing us there to do our part in seeing God’s children in this region freed from the snare of the enemy. Mexico has the largest number of victims of modern slavery than any other country in the Americas. Mexico, along with the Philippines and the United States, was ranked one of the world places in terms of human trafficking in 2018. Mexico is also thought to be the largest source country for trafficking across international borders. According to the Global Slavery Index, there are approximately 341,000 victims of modern slavery in Mexico. April we will be transiting to our long-term mission assignment through global infusion to work with god’s people in Mexico. our assignment there is vast. working in many different areas of ministry and also receiving teams to help with the work. below is a list of many of the areas we will be working in. please pray for us and if you feel led give towards this long-term assignment as we go where the need is greatest.
1. Writing a counseling- healing program for those rescued from sex trafficking living in shelters
2. Counseling (leaders, missionaries, trauma victims, trafficking victims
3. Housing trafficked victims
4. Working with local Orphanages
5. Working with the refugee camp
6. Receiving mission team to help with work
7. Training missionaries
8. Working with the indigenes Tarahumara establishing and planting churches
9. Starting a women’s, children’s, and men’s ministry in a slum neighborhood in Juarez
10. Rescuing trafficked victims
11. Working with two different community centers in Juarez
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