
Here to Love

by | Oct 31, 2016 | Melanie's Blog

I have already been in the Philippines for almost two months and I love it. Even despite the airlines losing my luggage for 4 days, getting pink eye for over week, and being here during typhoon season, I still love what I am doing. It is a different way of life, but I am adjusting to it with time and am learning how to simply just be here.

View from my rooftop of the city

Since the day that I arrived I have been teaching at a tutorial center that focuses on enriching the students’ education and giving them the support they need to succeed in school. We had 7 students, but since being here we now have 11 students from kindergarten to 5th grade that come 3 to 5 days a week. We are also opening up a play-group, a preschool, for young children to start learning the basics of school as well as good behavior and freely teaching them about Jesus.

In addition to teaching I am also helping TAP (Translators Association of the Philippines) which is translating the Bible into all 127 languages of the Philippines. This is a 12 step process that sometimes turns into 15 or 20 when the community has no written language. TAP focuses on the whole needs of the people, not just their need for a Bible. (I will be traveling to a province next month to help more with this process.)

Since being here, I am learning there is a difference between being on short term missions, and not having a ticket home. There is a difference between being in the country with a team, having an agenda everyday, ministering all day, and always having a translator with you; than there is being the only white person everywhere you go, not speaking the language, and figuring out how to function in their way of life without fully relying on others to help you with everything. I have traveled alone before. I have stayed in a country with missionaries by myself before. But I have never lived overseas. And though I have learned that there is a difference between short term and long term, their mission is still to same: to love the people. I came to love the people. Whether it is the student that I am helping learn, the kids I play basketball with, the neighbors that I talk to, or the natives in the provinces I go and visit….I came here to love. I am just now able to for longer.

Play Group

Living here is a new experience every day. And as I immerse myself into the culture, knowing I am being watched at all times being the only white person (much less with dreadlocks), I am beginning to understand the why behind the who they are. It is an adjustment for sure. But I am embracing the change and excited for all that is in store.

If you are able to, or the Lord lays it in your heart to, I am raising money for my trip the province(s), for visa expenses, and for future mission trips around Asia. Any donation will help. One time or monthly, even if all you can give is $10 a month. If I have 10 people give $10 a month that’s $100 more I can use towards the ministry here. In the provinces we will be providing students with the supplies they need so they can attend school, feeding families who are really in need, and helping with various other needs as we see them.

My godson =)

To donate you can send a one-time donation (just put my name on a note with the check) to the address below, or donate online at www.globalinfusion.org/support and where it says “Name of missionary” put my name. Monthly donations can be set up by emailing me or accounting@globalinfusion.org (Joe) and telling him you want to set up a monthly donation for me (he can stop it any time). All donations are tax deductible.

Global Infusion

118 N. Peters. Road  Suite 220

Knoxville, TN 37923



Thank you for all of your prayers and support and for those who have personally reached out to me since being here. I could not do this without you!

The girls of the family I am staying wtih

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