Have you ever heard the term, “Unreached People Group?” (UPG) The Joshua Project defines UPG’s this way:
An unreached people [group] is a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group without outside assistance.
Simply stated, unreached people do not have access to the Gospel. Some have never heard about Jesus, even one time. Anyone in this category does not have a church within walking or driving distance, nor a Pastor, nor a Missionary, and mostly likely, there are no Christians for miles.
If you have heard or seen us use the phrase, go where the need is greatest, we are referring to the mandate of reaching the unreached with the Gospel. This is done by ultimately planting a church (not just a building, but a body of believers who are being discipled) in a location where the Gospel was not present previously.
When Jesus gave us the Lord’s Prayer, He says in Matthew 6:10, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.” It is impossible for the Kingdom to grow if the Gospel is not present. We must go to areas of the world where Jesus is not known, and strategically work with the indigenous to reach the lost, disciple new believers, plant churches and address their physical needs. I am excited to announce that this year, GI has been able to plant several churches, including our latest two, located in Thailand. Thank you to everyone who has given and prayed for these churches to be established. We give God all the glory!
Jonathan Haward, President & Founder
Global Infusion
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