

by | Dec 24, 2023 | President's Blog


Our team that just came back from the Philippines saw many salvations and miracles. During one of their ministry days, they literally preached through the bars of prison to the inmates; the captives. In another instance, they preached and ministered at a funeral (the death was unexpected) of a faithful saint; by the end, people gave their hearts to the Lord, and they realized that the one they came to pay their respects to was no longer held captive by a deteriorating body – instead, they were now existing in their glorified body, worshipping Jesus in His very presence.

The beautiful waters that surrounds the Philippines, a chain of more than 7,600 islands, held them captive from the Gospel reaching them—until the first Christian missionaries landed on their shores in the 1500’s. But even now, there are small islands and tribal areas that are still considered unreached.


In Luke 4:18, Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed.”

We celebrate Christmas, not merely because Jesus was born, but because it was the moment He embarked on His mission to die and rise again. Unless a person has accepted Jesus as their Lord and personal Savior, they are held captive to sin. Unless someone tells them about the life-saving power of the Gospel, they remain that way. This is why we go to the nations: to proclaim liberty to the captives. You can be a part of reaching the lost through your giving this Christmas – help us see the captives set free in Jesus.


Jonathan Haward, President & Founder                                         

Global Infusion

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