
Tent of Meeting.

by | Dec 29, 2022 | President's Blog

Tent of Meeting.

Does your church have a building where services are held? Not every church has one. A church-planting friend of mine in Asia wrote an article outlining the reasons why it is important to have a church building or structure in the villages where they work. Many believers around the world do not have an actual place to go for worship; many meet outside or in homes. Some of these homes are made of sticks and thatched roofs.

When the Israelites left Egypt, they left the rule and reign of an oppressor and a place that engaged in a false, demonic, man-made religion. Worldwide, there are new believers leaving false religions and looking for a place to gather with fellow Christians. Often times, they meet in each others homes, or in some cases, under a tent or a very simple building structure. Similarly, the Israelites did the same thing:

Now Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the camp some distance away, calling it the “tent of meeting.” Anyone inquiring of the Lord would go to the tent of meeting outside the camp. (Exodus 33:7)

Until an actual permanent place of worship was constructed (the Synagogue), the Israelites used a Tent of Meeting. It is the place where the glory of God dwelt, and where He would meet His people.

This month, through our GI Missionaries in Mexico, a tent was purchased and assembled for a new church-plant in the Sierra Madre Mountains among the Tarahumara Indians. It is on a concrete slab for stability, but also because the goal is to build a permanent structure. The tent blocks the sun, rain and yes, the snow. Once a building is built, the tent will move on to a new location and we will continue this church-planting process.

Will you pray about giving toward our church-plant in Mexico?

Jonathan Haward, President & Founder

Global Infusion


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