Infusion Academy
If you’ve been on a trip with us, you have probably heard the phrase “short-term strengthens the long-term.” What does this mean? It means that each mission team we send out has the mandate to strengthen both the vision of our contacts on the field, as well as the people themselves. There are certain things a team can do that an individual cannot, but those who diligently live and work on the mission field can do things a team cannot. They are the ones that build long-lasting, deep relationships. They influence entire villages, cities, and cultures. They are in it for the long haul, and their ministry results in fruit that remains.
I am very excited to announce the launch of our Infusion Academy: a fully accredited degree program for those who feel called by God to a career as a missionary. Starting Stateside, we will educate and mentor students for their first year, then transition them overseas for the next three years where they will be immersed in the culture and language of their assigned nation, while earning a Bachelor’s degree and engaging in practical ministry.
If you, or someone you know has a missions calling, GI’s Infusion Academy is the path to becoming a long-term missionary. We strongly believe that God is still calling people into full-time ministry, and even moreso, calling people into full-time missions. Isaiah 6:8 says, “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”
Visit us online at globalinfusion.org/academy to start your path to the mission field today!
Jonathan Haward, President & Founder
Global Infusion
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