
Into the Fire.

by | Apr 29, 2022 | President's Blog

Into the Fire.

We got a van! (and a trailer) – and this van and trailer has had a very special mission: to transport food INTO the country of Ukraine to sustain innocent people who are under extreme duress as a result of an unprovoked attack on their nation. Our Ukrainian Pastor was able to drive to Poland to visit his wife and four children (temporarily) who had been previously evacuated, and has now met up with one of GI’s staff members, Lloyd Hanebury, filled the van and trailer with food, and managed to re-enter Ukraine.   While the world is slowly moving on to other stories in the media’s news cycle, there are still people struggling to survive, as well as dealing with a plethora of adverse circumstances beyond their control. Yet in the middle of this violence, God has key people placed throughout the countries of Ukraine and Poland that are ministering to the physical needs of the destitute AND ministering to them on a spiritual level. Essentially, they are preaching the Gospel through their actions and their wordsSharing the love of God and the Gospel is rarely convenient. Virtually everything about foreign mission work is uncomfortable. In 2 Corinthians 5:14-15, Paul writes, “14 For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.”

Why do we travel during a pandemic? Because there are still lost people. Why do we venture into conflict zones? Because God’s love compels us. It’s right there in the Bible – He died for us, so we live for Him. YOU can be a part of reaching the world by partnering with us in prayer and giving. Thank you in advance for your prayers and gifts, you are a part of seeing this world changed for Jesus.


Jonathan Haward, President & Founder

Global Infusion

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