Do you know where most orphaned or abandoned children end up in this world? Especially in second and third world areas? We dream of a world that would have a good home, raised by godly parents, and have endless opportunities. Unfortunately, that is not the reality. Many of them will be trafficked.

True to our mission statement, Global Infusion does not stop at evangelism and discipleship. While that is the core of who we are, we also recognize that real people have real needs. Where we go, people lack the basic necessities of life. If you have been following GI during 2020, you know that we have assisted 10 of the nations we work in with food and evangelistic outreaches. This past month, one of the children’s homes we are connected to through our Pastor in Thailand was recently flooded. They were already battling food shortages, and other issues caused by the pandemic, then rainy season hit.
Woe to you…Who lie on beds of ivory, Stretch out on your couches, Eat lambs from the flock and calves from the midst of the stall; Who sing idly to the sound of stringed instruments, and invent for yourselves musical instruments like David; Who drink wine from bowls, and anoint yourselves with the best ointments, But are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph. Amos 6:4-6 (NKJV)
The prophet Amos warned Israel during a time of prosperity that their neglect of those suffering around them could be their downfall. When those who have access to everything, do not intentionally reach beyond the borders of their own city and nation, we should carefully read the words of Amos.
Global Infusion is currently rebuilding a new home for these kids in Thailand, as well as the church they attend. Both the church and home are run by one Thai Pastor and his wife. Your giving changes lives.
Jonathan Haward, President & Founder
Global Infusion
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