In one our Global Intern classes this month, (people training with GI for long-term missions), we were studying some of the missionaries who lived at the turn of the 19th century. One in particular, was so determined to reach people with the Gospel, that the author described him as “lion-hearted.” What a powerful and profound depiction of a person who left comfort and affluence, and dedicated their life to reaching the unreached. Long before media of any kind, visual, print, or social media, there were brave men and women heading out into the world, on behalf of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and fulfilling the Commission He mandated.
 We also learned that one of the biggest waves of sending people to the mission field from America came around the times of the first World War, and the Great Depression. In the midst of seemingly apocalyptic circumstances, Christians were hearing the call for evangelism and missions, and responding.
 Did you know that GI launched a food and Gospel outreach in 7 nations this month to battle COVID19?
Because of the relationships we have established over the past two decades, and the courage of our lion-hearted contacts, Pastors and missionaries who all remained in their country, we have been able to feed hundreds of families who literally have no access to food. In the nations where GI works, the governments are not stepping in with any form of economic stimulus, NGO’s and non-profits are no where to be found. For those who have been giving and praying for this specific GI outreach, know that you are opening the door for us to help people who have very little hope, as we bring them groceries and the life-saving name of Jesus.
 There are still hundreds of families we can reach with your support. Please pray and consider donating to GI during this season so we are able to find the neglected, and restore dignity and hope through our Savior.
Jonathan Haward, President & Founder
Global Infusion
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