

by | Jul 31, 2024 | President's Blog

It doesn’t take long in life to discover that it is relatively easy to start something, hard to sustain, and very challenging to complete.  Whether it is a project, a marriage, a New Year’s resolution, a college degree, or a job, while it may feel like it takes a lot to get going, once you are years into it, you realize the level of work it takes to sustain it, and then make it last a long time. Ministry is no different. In fact, it is highly likely that you know someone who “started” a ministry that is no longer doing it.

We have been ministering in the nation of Guatemala since 2007 — and we have been honored to work alongside our amazing Pastors there who have an incredible heart for their nation, the lost, discipleship and reaching the unreached. One family, the Corderos, are based in Chiquimula; the other family, the Gutierrez’s, are in the Zacapa Region. For longer that we have worked together, they have faithfully served the Lord in proactive ministry. Village churches have been established. Schools have been launched. Thousands of people have received ministry.

It takes mental, spiritual, emotional, and even physical fortitude to engage in this kind of ministry for so long. A “job” that doesn’t guarantee income, or any kind of financial security. Investing in relationships and people that constantly come and go. Reaching people who could never repay you in any way—but ultimately, it doesn’t matter, because that was never the goal. The goal was, and is, to see His Kingdom come, His will be done. It is to fulfill the Great Commission. It is to reach those who are hurting and lost. Longevity in ministry takes everything you have inside of you, and the power of the Holy Spirit constantly. We thank God for these families and the hundreds of people who have joined us on teams over the years.

Jonathan Haward, President & Founder

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