Have you every had a day when absolutely everything went perfectly? No? Neither have I. There comes a point when you are facing a challenge or obstacle, and you realize that the situation will not get better as fast as you would like it to. As you pray and think about what to do next, you are faced with a choice: stay where you are, or move on. Which will you do?
The current social climate in the world is turbulent. Every day you see and hear terrible things coming your way, and you are doing your best to survive—yet it just keeps coming at you. Every day, the spirit of this world is just waiting for you to wake up so it can unload a barrage of negative information and news onto you. Yet every day, there is still a God who is in control, has His Hand on your life, and His promise that you will have and live life, and live more abundantly still remains true.
Did you know that GI is in our 3rd month for our 10-nation food and Gospel outreach to battle COVID19?

Jesus says in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Today you can make a choice: to stay paralyzed by fear, or to move on. Moving on doesn’t mean the problems go away. It simply means that you are placing your life completely in control of the One who saved you, and are trusting Him to guide your steps. But for Him to guide our steps, we must take the first one.
Continue to pray for GI as we are intentionally and strategically reaching Gospel-deprived nations during this season. Your prayers and support are needed more than ever, as we feed people physically and spiritually.
Jonathan Haward, President & Founder
Global Infusion
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