I find one of my biggest challenges as a Christian is not that I want to ignore God’s will for my life, but that I do not always want to relinquish my own will. In our heart of hearts, we want to serve God, be obedient, and walk in the path He has designed for us. In reality, we have our own schedule and desires. Truly obeying God, hearing from His Holy Spirit, and obeying His leading on a daily basis is far easier said than done.
Jesus loved the lost and marginalized so much that He gave up Heaven, His will, and ultimately, His life.
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:42 (NIV)
This was Jesus’ prayer just hours before His arrest. He knew. He really knew that He was going to die, and it would be brutal. Yet He lived such an intentional, humble, obedient life, that He trusted His Father implicitly.
In the first few weeks of this year, Global Infusion will have teams in India, Thailand and the Philippines. We are traveling to the darkest corners of the globe to reach the unreached. We are intentionally going with the goal of seeing the lost saved and discipled. We go with the intent to see churches and worship established in places it did not exists on January 1, 2020. Every year, we pray that there will be more souls in the Kingdom by the last day of the calendar year than there are right now.
Will you pray for us? Will you support us? Will you be part of an army of believers who desire to live as Jesus did: with intentionality, and with the ability to pray and live the request: “not my will, but Yours be done.” You can make a difference today. Pray. Give. Go. The harvest is still waiting for laborers.
Jonathan Haward, President & Founder
Global Infusion
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