The world tends to judge a person according to their actions, which is a direct reflection of their character. Character is not developed in public, it is forged quietly in daily living. A few weeks ago, Global Infusion received the shocking news that one...
Jonathan Haward
If Everything Is Missions
For most of my life I’ve periodically heard the phrase, “you’re a missionary wherever you go.” I suppose I understand the general meaning behind it, but over the course of leading 70 foreign mission trips I’ve encountered a lot of actual cross-cultural...
Beyond Our Borders
I’ve noticed that while Jesus was on the earth, He was always moving. He did not stay in His hometown of Nazareth. In fact, He rarely stayed anywhere for very long. He was on a mission to reach the hurting, the dying, the sick, the...
Every January, I think back on the previous year and what God has done through Global Infusion. In 2015, we sent out 24 mission teams, and launched 2 full-time missionaries. I think about the hundreds, if not, thousands of lives that were changed. ...
Christmas for Immigrants and Refugees
Two weeks ago, GI completed our 24th mission trip of the year. We were in what is now our newest country site: Costa Rica. While Costa Rica might be known as being on the higher end of the economic scale in Central America, our contacts brought us to a...
The Cost of Missions
As President and Founder of Global Infusion, one of my passions since Day 1 has been to diligently seek the Lord to have Him lead us to our Kingdom assignments around the world. While there are millions of people doing amazing things for God in many countries, I...
God’s Faithfulness (A Story)
I have just returned from leading a GI mission team to the country of Ghana, West Africa. Global Infusion has been working in Ghana for over 10 years. We have seen God grow the ministry from one small city church, and a few possible village church plants,...
Short Term
During my GI missions training sessions with our teams, I typically start with one concept that provides the framework for our trips: short-term strengthens the long-term. Our friends, family, and contacts on the ground in the foreign mission field that...
After a powerful summer of sending mission teams and missionaries around the world to preach the Gospel, I am excited to announce that Global Infusion is about to send a bus to Ghana, West Africa.Why a bus? Because the only way children who live in the villages...
Building The Wall
I often find in 1st-world countries that we have a tendency to strive for self-sufficiency. We say we rely on God, but we also rely on lawyers for legal needs, doctors and hospitals for physical needs, banks for loans, financial planners for retirement, psychiatrists...