
President’s Blog


So much has happened in this part of the world - the Middle East. Some people believe the Garden of Eden itself was originally in this region. The majority of the people of the Bible, including...

Latest Posts From The President

Ivory Beds.

Do you know where most orphaned or abandoned children end up in this world? Especially in second and third world areas? We dream of a world that would have a good home, raised by godly parents, and have endless opportunities. Unfortunately, that is not the reality....


Feeding & the Gospel in Cambodia Musicians, athletes, soldiers. The list is longer, but these are the first three that came to my mind. People who train for almost a lifetime to generate a specific outcome that success or failure is decided in just a few seconds...

Moving On.

Have you every had a day when absolutely everything went perfectly? No? Neither have I. There comes a point when you are facing a challenge or obstacle, and you realize that the situation will not get better as fast as you would like it to. As you pray and think about...

Lack vs. Need

GI Church Plant in South Asia It is an unprecedented time we live in. Or is it? For context, should these words be read in the distant future, the world is currently experiencing a global pandemic, with COVID19 being the culprit....


  Covid-19 Feeding in Mountains of Guatemala   In one our Global Intern classes this month, (people training with GI for long-term missions), we were studying some of the missionaries who lived at the turn of the 19th century.  One in particular, was so...

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