


It’s the beginning of a new year!  What will 2009 bring you?  Well, that all depends on the seeds you planted in 2008, or 2007, or in previous years.  Sometimes it takes quite a while for seeds to grow.  Many people expect God to do completely new things in their life...

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The Best Gift

John Dyer, an 18th century English poet once wrote,  “A man may go to heaven without health, without riches, without honors, without learning, without friends; but he can never go there without Christ.”  As I travel the world, it always breaks my heart to see what I...

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Two Kingdoms

The battle for the Presidency of America has concluded, at least for a few years. Whether or not the candidate you were hoping to see occupy the White House was elected, one thing is for sure: God is in control. If we as Christians think for one second that government...

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Greater Love

A few weeks ago, I was talking with a Pastor in Guatemala who survived massive flooding in his area. He said that the rain came so quickly, he only had time to fill a suitcase with clothes for his children and escape with his family before the mountain turned into a...

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His Hands, His Feet, His Love

This past week, our church in Knoxville hosted 200 evacuees from New Orleans in anticipation of a potential disaster caused by Hurricane Gustav.  It was amazing to see and hear how they were flown from Louisiana in such a humane way, then given a clean and relatively...

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All things

Last month, we sent four Infusion Adventure mission teams to Mexico alone.  Many of the team members had never been outside of the country before, or even on a short-term missions trip.Our trips are designed for those traveling with us to have the ultimate...

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Authority in Jesus’ Name

What do you think would happen to our servicemen and women if the military sent them out to battle without telling them what weapons would be accessible for their use?  I believe they would be somewhat fearful, and even doubtful of victory.  A person can...

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Jesus is still the answer

  Our world has had quite a shake up over the course of just one month.  During it’s 31 days, the month of May saw almost 100,000 people dead or missing as a result of a cyclone in Myanmar (Burma) - 40% of the victims were children, 3,000 schools were also...

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Leaving the 99

In Luke 15:4, Jesus says, “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?” (NKJV).  I often think of this Parable of the Lost Sheep when I...

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Choosing to Serve

During the last few weeks in March, we had two INFUSION ADVENTURE teams in the country of Mexico.  Once again, I wish the world could have seen what I saw.Generation Church, from Colorado Springs, CO, was made up of young people in high-school and some were of...

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