

Can Jesus count on me?

  I believe the greatest tool of the enemy on Western Christians is not mediocrity, poor leadership, or even doubt.  I believe it is distraction.  Even as you read these words, there is a strong possibility that you are skimming the page, or thinking...

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We have just returned from our latest INFUSION ADVENTURE to Guatemala, and once again, God was faithful.  As promised, we ventured into the mountainous regions of the country to deliver what ended up being over 5,000 lbs. of food.  This food was given to...

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If you have never looked into the eyes of a malnutritioned person, there is a part of your heart that has not yet been broken.  The images you have seen on television showing starvation around the world simply pale in comparison to standing in front  of a...

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1.85 Billion

I remember speaking to a man in the jungles of Guyana while I was leading a mission trip. I will never forget him because of the look on his face. It was the look he gave me after I explained why our team was in his country. We were there to tell people about Jesus...

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From Ujjain

Ujjain, INDIA - As these words are being written, we are currently in the country of India where for the third year in a row, we are facilitating a conference for indigenous Indian Pastors. In addition to the multi-day conference, we are spending time preaching and...

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GIMC 2007

The 2007 Global Infusion World Missions conference is just days away!  This event is completely free and you do not want to miss it.  Our contacts from EGYPT, MEXICO, INDIA, and GHANA will be speaking and you will hear first-hand what God is doing in their...

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Real Heroes

In my recent trip to Guatemala, I was once again reminded of the sacrifices many men and women of God make around the world.  When I travel to different countries, I always try to prepare myself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for what I am about to...

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With all the incredible reports of success you read month after month in our newsletters, emails, or blogs, do not be fooled, none of this comes without a price to be paid.  First and foremost, the greatest price that could ever be paid was done so by my Savior,...

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Just one little thing

In my recent trip to Egypt, I was with a few members of our team, late one night, in a perfume shop speaking with the owner.  There were places to sit for the patrons to relax and decide what to buy.  We took advantage of these seats, but we were there for a...

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The REAL Inconvenient Truth

One week before we arrived in Egypt, there was a mission team of Egyptians and Sudanese that were ministering in Sudan.  Their goal was to get to various villages that have not received much attention in regards to receiving the Gospel.  As you may know,...

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