There is a real devil. It may be summertime, and everyone may be excited about sunny days, vacations, school being out, barbequing, camps for kids, finishing remodeling projects, and road trips, but the devil does not take a vacation.If you were expecting a...
He said “Go”
Imagine with me that you are living in a third-world country. Not only do you face intense physical hardships of living in this place, like malnutrition, dehydration, and prevalent sickness in your community, but you have no hope for the life beyond the one...
Good Ground
What is the Kingdom of God really worth to you? The answer to this questions does not come through words, but through actions. Do you ever find it a challenge to pursue God’s will for your life? Do you feel like you need to have all the major issues...
Eyes on Heaven
The more I travel around the world, the more I have the opportunity to meet truly amazing men and women of God. I am regularly stunned at the high level of commitment to Jesus Christ which I witness first-hand in the lives of our Christian brothers and sisters...
I write these words from a remote village in Tanzania named Songambele, which literally means “moving forward.” If Songambele is indeed moving forward at all, it is at a very, very slow pace. In every direction, there are hundreds and hundreds of children...
Where Are We?
The final issue of Time magazine in 2011 named their selection for the Person of the Year as “The Protester.” From Egypt, to Libya, to the main streets of the United States, people are rallying together to demonstrate that they are unhappy with their present...
More Than Enough
Watch Jonathan's Video Update about this trip (from Nepal)I have returned from the country of Nepal with our latest Global Infusion mission team. It never ceases to amaze me how the majority of churches operate in second and third-world environments. First...
Thankless, or Thankful?
Here in the West, the focus in the month of November (October in Canada) often drives towards the Thanksgiving holiday. It is that time of year, when people gather to celebrate all they are thankful for - or do we? Has Thanksgiving merely turned into a...
The Field
I have returned from the country of Nicaragua where our latest Global Infusion team of 37 optometrists (doctors), students and GI personnel treated 1,853 patients in less than a week. We were in both villages and small cities – we even had a door of opportunity open...
I’m getting (a little) tired of hearing about how everything is relative and that there are no absolutes in this world anymore. “Your values and morals are defined by your perception of right and wrong,” people say. “Your worldview has no reference point...