Global Infusion Missionaries
Learn more about our current missionaries and the work that God is doing around the world.
Long term Missionaries
Penner Family
10/40 Window
Williams Family
Speed Family
Global Infusion Team
From The Mission Field
Learn how Global Infusion is seeing lives changed in the nations through updates from GI’s President, and also our active missionaries on the field.
Tent of Meeting.
Tent of Meeting. Does your church have a building where services are held? Not every church has one. A church-planting friend of mine in Asia wrote an article outlining the reasons why it is...
Deceived. “All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution….evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” 2 Timothy 3:13-14  If you were...
The Window.
The Window. Have you ever heard of the 10/40 window? Simply put, it is home to some of the largest unreached people groups on the planet. It is a geographically rectangular area of North Africa,...
Be Sent.
Whether you’re interested in customizing a short-term trip for your team, or you feel called to the nations long-term, Global Infusion can help you do both.