

by | Nov 30, 2022 | President's Blog


“All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution….evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” 2 Timothy 3:13-14


If you were expecting a heart-warming story about being thankful during this season, you may have to look elsewhere. I have just returned from a location in the world that is dominated by a man-made, demonically inspired “religion.” While most of the Western world has been preparing for all the seasonal holidays we enjoy, there are areas of the world that are deprived of the Gospel, and in some instances, believers are still persecuted for their allegiance to Jesus.

These verses from Timothy were applicable in Paul’s day when he wrote them, and they are just as relevant today. If you say you are a follower of Jesus, you will face persecution at some level. From verbal mockery, to actual physical violence in some societies. In these verses, Paul explains to Timothy the reason for this: people are imposters of the Gospel truth by proclaiming “their” truth, they deceive others, because they themselves are being deceived.

If you didn’t know there are places on our planet where millions of people have never heard of Jesus, demonically-inspired idols are being worshipped, Christians are abused in every way possible, and child sacrifice is being practiced, then you know now.  Why do we keep going to the nations? Why do we send mission teams and raise up missionaries? Because the world has been deceived and deceives one another. Only the truth of the Word of God will break that, and only Jesus can provide their salvation and healing.


Jonathan Haward, President & Founder

Global Infusion


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