

by | Sep 30, 2022 | President's Blog


If you own a vehicle, or live with someone who does, there are certain activities you may not think about.  In fact, most of our activities involve getting in a vehicle and traveling to a different location.  We travel to work, school, grocery stores, the mall, shopping centers, gas stations, medical facilities, and the homes of our friends and family.  Now think of your life without access to a personal vehicle. Or maybe you have one that needs to be shared with many people. Also add in that fuel is expensive, so driving is only allowable when absolutely necessary. Now think about the church you attend. Would you go if you didn’t have a vehicle?

Hebrews 10:25 challenges us by saying we should motivate one another, “not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”  Why would the author say this? Because the enemy’s intentions and core plans have never changed—his goal is to steal, kill and destroy us. The early church sensed this and would meet regularly to pray, fellowship, and stay vigilant following Jesus together.

What if you couldn’t get to a Bible-believing community of believers? What if it there were no church close by, and transportation was an issue? What if you could not attend a church, simply because your proximity to one made it virtually impossible to get to on a regular basis? This is reality for many people. This is also why we go. This is why we evangelize, disciple, resource and church-plant. We proactively plan and strive to bring the Gospel where it is not accessible. Places like the Andes Mountains in Peru, where we are working towards eight church-plants. Pray with us, give towards these new churches, and yes, you can travel with us to the beautiful nation of Peru, and see the need for yourself, and be part of the solution.

Jonathan Haward, President & Founder

Global Infusion


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