
School. Food. Jesus

by | Jun 1, 2022 | President's Blog

School. Food. Jesus.

Not every kid hates school. Shocking, I know. Quality education at any level is very often a luxury in most of the places where GI works and ministers. In Ghana, West Africa, as it is in several countries in Africa, many children do not attend school simply because of a nominal monthly fee. It can be as little as $20 USD, but for some families, that is an impossible amount—especially with more than one child. Their fees typically cover their uniforms, books (if they have any), and general administration for the teachers to be paid. Class sizes are large, and resources are limited. One school Tanzanian school we’ve worked with had 1,200 kids with 8 teachers. Most of the classrooms did not have a roof—it was open to the hot African sun, yet they continually showed up because they love to learn and value the opportunities that education provides.

When there is a void like this, other false cults and religions frequently step in to build schools, and provide free meals and education, as long as the students adhere to their beliefs. We must push back against this. Millions of African children are being indoctrinated with demonic teachings simply because they cannot afford to go to a government or private Christian school.

For almost two decades, GI has worked in Africa, specifically West Africa, to help provide three things for both city and village children: 1) education, 2) meals at school, and 3) a daily Christian influence, where the students hear about Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. In Ghana this past month, we fixed our school van that picks up kids that otherwise would not be able to attend school, helped renovate and paint the school located in our contact’s church, and we continue to provide sponsorship and opportunities for African kids that otherwise would not have had the chance to learn or be surrounded by godly influences. Pray about sponsoring kids in our West African school in Ghana. There are future world-changers there!

School. Food. Jesus

Jonathan Haward, President & Founder

Global Infusion

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