

by | Jul 30, 2022 | President's Blog


Since the summer began, GI has launched 6 mission teams. Each team that returns is full of colorful stories and dramatic testimonies. With every incredible account we hear, I am reminded that each one started with a simple semilla, or “seed” in Spanish.

The seed of faith that it took to say ‘yes’ to go on a mission trip, raise support, pack, make all the life arrangements necessary to be absent for a week or two, and to actually go.  The seed of ministry that began with our contacts and missionaries, sometimes years or decades previously. The seed of sharing the Gospel with words and deeds while on the field.  Just one simple seed planted, and God begins to make it grow.

In John 4:35, Jesus says, Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!

On my latest trip, our team was in Central America, where once again, we took 4×4 vehicles into the mountains to reach a village that has very little contact with the outside world. Every time this happens, I remind myself in the morning of the journey that the Gospel is powerful. We have our plans—medical outreach, feeding, clothing, Kids Ministry—yet these are all just tools to help communicate the life-altering message of Jesus Christ. We want to plant as many seeds as we can, because we know the power of God brings the increase. Semillas, or “seeds,” are all it takes to see a life changed, and our world transformed for Jesus.


Jonathan Haward, President & Founder

Global Infusion

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