Twenty years ago, God called me to launch a missions organization. I left working at a large church to start something from nothing. Generation one. Nothing must become something. While this seemed like, and was, a daunting task, there were a few biblical principles that gave me confidence and faith. First, God has a habit of making something out of nothing. Second, God can do anything. I could say the collegiate-level word, He’s omnipotent – but honestly, when it comes to our real lives, we often take everything we have heard in our lifetime regarding God, and boil it down to very simple concepts and statements that we can hold on to. He is powerful. He is our healer. He is good. In my case, I knew enough about God after years of being in church and saturated in a Gospel environment, that I believed, and continue to believe, that God can do anything.
We “go where the need is greatest”
He can call and use one person to be the catalyst to reach thousands of people for Him. He can sustain my family. He can touch peoples’ hearts to feel compelled to go into all the world and preach the Gospel on mission teams. He can send volunteers and eventually staff members to expedite the growth of the vision. He can move on the hearts of many partners to sow financial seeds into Global Infusion so we have the resources to reach the lost, provide vehicles for our missionaries and Pastors, and build churches. Through tangible actions like medical treatment, food distribution, education of children, and many more hands-on actions, we can make peoples’ lives more bearable this side of eternity.
Our FIRST team ever! Team Mexico 2003

Will you pray about becoming a monthly partner with Global Infusion? We go where the need is greatest, and with your support, we can reach more people for Jesus.
Jonathan Haward, President & Founder
Global Infusion
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#DYKGI “Did you know that GI” is currently building 3 churches in 3 nations?
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