
Are You Aware?

by | Mar 25, 2020 | Koby's Blog

I often think in what ways my life could be different. I could either be back in Alabama with my friends attending a community college or probably serving in some branch of the military. Those were the only two options I ever gave myself. I didn’t think much outside of that. I didn’t think I would be devoting a big portion of my life to God and a foreign country. It wasn’t until my trip to the Philippines when I realized God had answered one of my greatest prayers as child. 

    For as long as I could remember I would tell my parents I was moving to another country and I would never come back but to visit them for the holidays. Now this memory had never hit until we had dropped off the first half of the team at the airport in Manila and I had begun my journey for the next week alone. It hit me and I was amazed! I always knew I wanted to move overseas, but little did I know God would use that desire to make me a foreign missionary! 

    This reflection of what God has done for me and is continuing to do for me, reminded me of how much He is working in our lives and we aren’t even realizing it. We can get caught up in so much of what is going on in the present, like the anxieties of the Coronavirus and sometimes even ministry. I am going to challenge myself this year to be more aware of how much the Lord has done for me. I challenge you to do the same. We can do this by devoting more time to the Lord and spending more time in prayer. We can also deepen our relationship by really listening to God and trusting He is with us no matter what lies before us.

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