
Month: November 2016

Tired of Being Thankful for The Same Stuff

This is the season to be thankful. We’ve all said the same things ‘I’m thankful for family, food on the table, my friends ect’. And that’s great because those are wonderful things to be thankful for. I started thinking, are those words just habits or am I really...

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Looking Forward to the Future

The last couple of months since my last team left has been crazy. It has been a difficult learning curve with the Peruvian culture and its lack order and structure when comes to do ministry. The lack attention to time and deadlines is a normality here, but one that...

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Just When I Think I Want to Quit

I would be like to tell you that I have it all together but that would be a lie.  There are days that I feel like what God has called me to do is just too hard and if I quit He will send someone else.  This week was one of those weeks…until tonight.  I was waiting on...

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