
On The Field

Videos, Stories, and Blog Posts From The Mission Field


News and updates from GI President, Jonathan Haward, on the ministry happening all around the world.


SMILES Thailand is known for many things. One phrase I have heard it called is: the Land of Smiles. On the surface, and for your average tourist, this may be true, but there is an overwhelming...

The President’s Blog


Reality. “The world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.“   It is interesting how there are different realities for every living human being, even though we concurrently live on the same planet....


Fearless. Our common enemy is audacious. The “ruler of this world,” as Jesus calls him in John 14:30, seemingly has no fear when it comes to attacking the children of God. Jesus gave us a warning in John 10:10 that he is also a thief and is literally hell-bent on...


Captives. Our team that just came back from the Philippines saw many salvations and miracles. During one of their ministry days, they literally preached through the bars of prison to the inmates; the captives. In another instance, they preached and ministered at a...


Sacrifices. I recently returned from the beautiful country of Thailand, or as it is affectionately known: “The Land of Smiles.”  I’ve learned in life, however, that what you see on the surface is rarely a good indicator of what lies beneath. Thailand may be deemed a...

From Our Missionaries

Love to Taal

Kumasta from the Philippines! I’m currently sitting in a Filipino McDonald’s reflecting on the past few days here. Thursday (Feb 6th) we visited the...

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What Are You?

Luke 1:28-29 (NIV), "The angel went to Mary saying, 'Greetings you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.' Mary was greatly troubled at his...

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New Chapter

 I am so excited to be moving to the Middle East as a Missionary in May. I have been training with Global Infusion since September and continue to...

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I am excited to announce that I am moving to The Philippines in May for at least  one year to help with church planting,evangelism, and out...

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