
On The Field

Videos, Stories, and Blog Posts From The Mission Field


News and updates from GI President, Jonathan Haward, on the ministry happening all around the world.


SMILES Thailand is known for many things. One phrase I have heard it called is: the Land of Smiles. On the surface, and for your average tourist, this may be true, but there is an overwhelming...

The President’s Blog


Forgotten. Have you ever been forgotten? Perhaps an adult forgot to bring you somewhere when you were little. Maybe you heard about a party that already happened and realized people forgot to invite you. Being forgotten is a terrible feeling - it’s like the other...


Twenty.     Twenty years ago, God called me to launch a missions organization. I left working at a large church to start something from nothing. Generation one. Nothing must become something. While this seemed like, and was, a daunting task, there were a few...


Obligation.   The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not to stop with us; it is to spread with us. We are Plan A, there is no Plan B. If we know Jesus, we are obligated to tell the world; and not just the world in our own backyard. THE world.   In Romans 1:14-15, Paul writes:...


Tenacious. Right now, there are people fighting for their lives. For some, it is all around them—the poverty, the hunger, the sickness, the war, the political oppression, the demonic influences. There are people who will go to bed tonight and not know if they will...

From Our Missionaries

Saturate the Valley

The month of August is upon us. The next two months shall go by quickly with much work to be done. We have the honor to be involved in a Catalytic...

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September 2018- Guatemala

The past few months have felt like a whirlwind. We moved full time into the mission house in March. This time in the inner city has been fulfilling....

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This Summer

The summer flew by like a whirlwind. By the time we sat to reflect on all what God had done we were blown away. The faithfulness of the Lord always...

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ENJOY life!

I finally did it! Back story – We live near the village square.  There is a huge cement area where the community gathers every night.  The area is...

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