
President’s Blog


“Testimonies are medicine.” This is a statement uttered by our translator as we preached and taught in an unreached area of the Himalayan Mountains of Nepal. You see, quite frequently we have a full...

Latest Posts From The President


Forgotten. Have you ever been forgotten? Perhaps an adult forgot to bring you somewhere when you were little. Maybe you heard about a party that already happened and realized people forgot to invite you. Being forgotten is a terrible feeling - it’s like the other...


Twenty.     Twenty years ago, God called me to launch a missions organization. I left working at a large church to start something from nothing. Generation one. Nothing must become something. While this seemed like, and was, a daunting task, there were a few...


Obligation.   The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not to stop with us; it is to spread with us. We are Plan A, there is no Plan B. If we know Jesus, we are obligated to tell the world; and not just the world in our own backyard. THE world.   In Romans 1:14-15, Paul writes:...


Tenacious. Right now, there are people fighting for their lives. For some, it is all around them—the poverty, the hunger, the sickness, the war, the political oppression, the demonic influences. There are people who will go to bed tonight and not know if they will...


Compel. If it were not for Jesus and His love, I wonder if we would be driven to reach the lost out of mere sympathy. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that One died for all, and therefore all died. And He...

Older Posts

School. Food. Jesus

School. Food. Jesus

School. Food. Jesus. Not every kid hates school. Shocking, I know. Quality education at any level is very often a luxury in most of the places where GI works and ministers. In Ghana, West Africa, as...

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Into the Fire.

Into the Fire.

Into the Fire. We got a van! (and a trailer) - and this van and trailer has had a very special mission: to transport food INTO the country of Ukraine to sustain innocent people who are under extreme...

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War. Women and children murdered. Families running for their lives, waving white flags, killed. Trains and cars carrying non-combatant civilians shot to death. Babies being born in underground...

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Tarahumara. Deep in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico, there is an indigenous group of people known as the Tarahumara Indians. They are a quiet people, passive in nature. The women make their own...

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Bricks Without Straw.

Bricks Without Straw.

Bricks Without Straw.   “You’ve got to be kidding me.”  How many times did you say that phrase last year? As faith-filled believers, we would like to think that no matter the circumstances, we will...

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   Inflatable. Have you ever jumped on an inflatable (bouncy house)? Most kids in the United States under the age of 18 have probably been on one several times in their growing-up years:...

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  Access. Have you ever heard the term, “Unreached People Group?” (UPG) The Joshua Project defines UPG’s this way: An unreached people [group] is a people group among which there is no indigenous...

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in the clouds

in the clouds

In The Clouds. Do you love mountains? Seeing them in pictures, taking hikes, or maybe even climbing one? From a distance, they look beautiful; up close, they look impressive; when you begin to...

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what we bring

what we bring

What We Bring. If I could summarize the greatest need of humanity, no matter where we stand on the planet, it is hope. Having hope changes everything. When we have hope, we can get up every morning...

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