
President’s Blog


“Testimonies are medicine.” This is a statement uttered by our translator as we preached and taught in an unreached area of the Himalayan Mountains of Nepal. You see, quite frequently we have a full...

Latest Posts From The President

Tent of Meeting.

Tent of Meeting. Does your church have a building where services are held? Not every church has one. A church-planting friend of mine in Asia wrote an article outlining the reasons why it is important to have a church building or structure in the villages where they...


Deceived. “All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution….evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” 2 Timothy 3:13-14   If you were expecting a heart-warming story about being thankful during this season,...

The Window.

The Window. Have you ever heard of the 10/40 window?  Simply put, it is home to some of the largest unreached people groups on the planet.  It is a geographically rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East and Asia that sits latitudinally between 10 degrees...


Proximity. If you own a vehicle, or live with someone who does, there are certain activities you may not think about.  In fact, most of our activities involve getting in a vehicle and traveling to a different location.  We travel to work, school, grocery stores, the...


Refugees. On February 23, 2022, most Ukrainian children went to bed for the last time living their regular life as they knew it. While there was (and regularly are) threats of invasion from Russia previous to that date, most had become used to the fact that an...

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Barriers  As if foreign travel doesn’t have enough challenges already, add in all that 2020 has brought us. International travel plus C-19 protocols makes for a very interesting experience. That...

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Silver Jubilee

Silver Jubilee

Music Supplies for Silver Jubilee    Longevity is a hard fought battle. In relationships, in work, in ministry. The longer I live, the more I realize the truth behind the adage that it is...

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    Jacobeam    Four years ago we saw an unsung hero of the faith reach his eternal destination with Jesus.  Pastor Eliub Gutierrez lived and ministered with his family in the mountainous area...

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Ivory Beds.

Do you know where most orphaned or abandoned children end up in this world? Especially in second and third world areas? We dream of a world that would have a good home, raised by godly parents, and...

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Feeding & the Gospel in Cambodia Musicians, athletes, soldiers. The list is longer, but these are the first three that came to my mind. People who train for almost a lifetime to generate a...

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Moving On.

Have you every had a day when absolutely everything went perfectly? No? Neither have I. There comes a point when you are facing a challenge or obstacle, and you realize that the situation will not...

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Lack vs. Need

GI Church Plant in South Asia It is an unprecedented time we live in. Or is it? For context, should these words be read in the distant future, the world is...

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  Covid-19 Feeding in Mountains of Guatemala   In one our Global Intern classes this month, (people training with GI for long-term missions), we were studying some of the missionaries who lived...

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  GI Team in Thailand    Jesus is Lord. Let me start with that. He is the same One that was there at the moment of Creation. He was the same One that raised Lazarus from the dead, stopped the...

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