Open. Have you ever locked yourself out of your house, apartment or dorm room? What about your car? It’s a terrible feeling, right? You quickly go through the stages of grief: denial (my keys can’t be lost, or inside, or somewhere else), anger (no!), depression...
Jonathan Haward
He Came for the Sick
He Came for the Sick. Being sick is the worst. All your plans for the day or for the week, all disappear. And if it’s anything more than a cold, and it lasts longer, life can come to a grinding halt and your world gets turned upside down. If you have ever endured a...
Increase In 1 Corinthians 3, Paul answers a question we all ask on a regular basis: “What do I do now?” In every area of our life, we constantly wish things were better: health, finances, relationships, job satisfaction, grades at school, spiritual walk, and so on....
70,000 Seventy thousand. Imagine this number of people for a minute. Perhaps you have been to a stadium for a sporting event or a concert where you have been around this many people. Here is a staggering thought: 70,000 represents the number of people who die EVERY...
Infusion Academy
Infusion Academy If you’ve been on a trip with us, you have probably heard the phrase “short-term strengthens the long-term.” What does this mean? It means that each mission team we send out has the mandate to strengthen both the vision of our...
How Shall They
How Shall They Romans 10:14-15 (NKJV) How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is...
Presence vs. Presents
Presence vs. Presents If you have been around any of us at GI, you would have heard the phrase “incarnational presence.” Big words with a big meaning. Imagine being sick in the hospital, and someone texts you to let you know they are praying for you—it’s a good...
Barriers As if foreign travel doesn’t have enough challenges already, add in all that 2020 has brought us. International travel plus C-19 protocols makes for a very interesting experience. That being said, the more difficult the situation is in the natural, the more...
Silver Jubilee
Music Supplies for Silver Jubilee Longevity is a hard fought battle. In relationships, in work, in ministry. The longer I live, the more I realize the truth behind the adage that it is easier to start something than to finish it. Virtually anything can be...
Jacobeam Four years ago we saw an unsung hero of the faith reach his eternal destination with Jesus. Pastor Eliub Gutierrez lived and ministered with his family in the mountainous area of La Union, Guatemala. A church-planter with a heart for people, this...